One way to build trust is by working on your network. After all, you trust your friends and family. If they tell you that xyz worked for them, you have the third ingredient of a sale, trust. So, how do you build trust?
1. Focus on reducing a person’s suffering in some way.
This doesn’t have to be your product/service. In fact, the best relationships are built when you introduce someone to a solution that isn’t yours. Why, because you have nothing to gain. True altruism builds trust.
2. Be a motivator rather than a taskmaster.
Make sure you are helpful in a way that motivates people. If you give them another task in an overwhelming world of tasks, it deflates them. Give them an idea, a goal, motivations, or something that excites action.
3. Be useful, be grateful, and don't take people for granted.
No need to elaborate here. If you treat people as transactional, you won’t build trust.
If you want to practice building better business relationships, come visit one of our networking meetings...