Special thanks to Shawn at Structured Freedom http://www.structuredfreedom.com/. Shawn not only walked us through how Zoom works but also showed us "WHY" Zoom is important. "HOW" it can help our business, and "WHAT" to do. Great Job!
Thank you also to Skip Dayhoff. Skip packed a lifetime into 10 minutes. He was/is an athlete, a scholar, and a patriarch. Skip found a balance throughout his lifetime and continues to sue people for a living 😜. He is, after all, still an attorney, http://dayhofflaw.com/.
And special thanks to Michael over at Digital Ninjaz, https://www.digitalninjaz.com/. As we start to integrate social distancing into our lives, Digital Ninjaz is here to help set up your video conferencing and make sure your business has the technology and infrastructure to keep going.